Salvia pratensis ‘Swan Lake’ seeds – ( Meadow Clary Sage)


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Picture thanks to Jelitto Seeds

This is a pure white flowering form of Salvia pratensis, which is very attractive. It grows to about 50cm , and has dense flower heads on profusely flowering plants,in early summer and through into summer.   The plant will rebloom in late summer to early  autumn, if it is cut back after its first flowering.The plant forms rosettes of mid green, crinkled foliage and the blooms attract bees and butterflies. It makes an excellent container plant. It flowers in the first year from seed and if you plant the seeds under cover in spring, then they will bloom in summer for you..

Additional information



Common Name

Meadow Clary



Maximum Height

Approx 50cm with flowers

Number of seeds in packet

approx 30