Cynoglossum amabile seeds -( Chinese forget-me-not)


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This forget-me-not is a well known cottage garden plant, which is a pretty gap filler. It has brilliant bright blue forget-me-not like flowers on long stems in the height of summer. It is quick and easy to grow and self seeds easily. Deadhead if self seeding is not required. It makes a good cut flower, and will repeat well as long as you cut off the spent flower heads.
It will grow in full sun or part shade and will tolerate dry conditions.

Sowing advice
Sow directly where it is to flower just before last expected frosts. Sow 5mm deep into prepared soil which has been raked to a fine tilth. Seed should be covered as it germinates in darkness. Ideal temp. 18-22°C. Germination takes 5-10 days approx. Thin seedlings as required. Can be started indoors if preferred 6-8 weeks prior to last frost date with seedlings moved outside after danger of frost has passed. Can be sown directly in autumn for flowering the following year.
Prefers any soil, other than very heavy clay, which is moist but well-drained in full sun or part shade. It is best treated as an annual.

Additional information


Annual, Hardy Biennial

Common Name

Chinese forget-me-not



Maximum Height

50 cm

Number of seeds in packet

approx 30