Limonium gmelinii ssp hungaricum seeds – (Perennial Statice)


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Picture thanks to Jelitto Seeds

This plant has tall arching sprays of lilac-blue flowers which are excellent as a cut flower. It blooms over the summer months, and likes a well drained, even sandy soil in full sun. The plant forms a small rosette of green leaves, which is a neat tidy mound, from which the flower stems emerge. It can tolerate drought well and is a useful pretty plant for the garden

Sowing advice

Sow seeds in moist seed raising mix in trays or pots. Cover the seeds very thinly with mix and keep moist at approx 20 deg C. These seeds can be somewhat erratic in germinating. When the seedlings are large enough to handle move into 8cm pots and grow on. Plant out when all danger of frost has passed.

Additional information


Hardy Perennial

Common Name

Perennial Statice



Maximum Height

approx 50 cm

Number of seeds in packet

approx 30