Sidalcea malviflora ‘Party Girl’ plants


There are only a few of these plants. $8 per plant.They are in 8 cm pots. They are available for pickup only from 449 Sandringham road Tues- Wed 10am-2pm

Sidalcea malviflora, ‘Party Girl’ is like a miniature hollyhock. It has pink / rose blooms in masses on long spikes in summer.

It does not take a great deal of care to grow, and is excellent for cutting. To keep it healthy , cut it back hard in autumn. Deadhead to prolong the flowering season. Propagate by division in spring.

It prefers moist well drained soil in full sun, and does not like to be wet in winter.

It is attractive to bees and butterflies and also slugs and snails , so be ready to hunt the latter down!

Additional information


Hardy Perennial



Maximum Height

approx 90 cm with flowers