Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’ plants



Just a few of these plants in 8cm pots $9.20 each , available from 449 Sandringham Road Tues- Wed 10am – 2pm.  Please email us on to reserve a plant and organise pickup

This plant has wonderful large golden yellow daisy-like flowers borne in profusion . The flowers have black centres and are produced in summer. It is a very good cut flower, having long sturdy stalks.

It is easily raised from seed and likes full sun though it will adapt quite happily to partial shade. It likes moist soil which is also well drained, but can tolerate some drought when it is firmly established, however, you will need to mulch it well.

Deadhead regularly to extend flowering and encourage further blooms (and  if you do not wish the plant  to self-seed).


Additional information





Maximum Height

approx 60cm with flowers