Malva alcea var fastigiata seeds – ( mallow )


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Picture thanks to Jelitto Seeds

This perennial is considered to be the best of the species and flowers its heart out until late autumn. It has pretty pink saucer shaped flowers, which are borne on long stems It is an excellent plant for the border. In addition it can tolerate some drought and beneficial insects such as bees love it. A good filler plant for the background in a border, which comes up every year. It is best cut back hard to the ground in autumn.

Sowing advice
In frosty areas: Plant in autumn in moist seed pots or trays and cover with about 5mm of mix. Leave outside over winter.
In warmer areas which dont get frost: Put the pot/tray into a sealed plastic bag and leave in the fridge for 4 weeks. Then bring out of the fridge for germination at about 18-20 deg C.

Additional information



Common Name

Prairie Mallow



Maximum Height

approx 80cm with flowers

Number of seeds in packet

approx 30