Linaria triornithoptera plants- ( Three birds Flying)



Just a few of these plants in 8cm pots $8.50 each .Available from 449 Sandringham Road Tues- Wed 10am – 2pm.  Please email us on to reserve a plant and organise pickup

Here is a wonderfully different, fun plant for all of you people who are looking for something a bit different. This plant has purple flowers with bright yellow lips, which are produced in sets of three on a stem. They are for all the world like 3 small colourful birds , perhaps budgies, perching on a stem and discussing world affairs. It is a charming small plant which is long lasting and holds its colour well in the heat of summer. It makes an excellent cut flower, and will self seed for you , if conditions suit it.


Additional information



Common Name

Three Birds Flying



Maximum Height

approx 60 cm